Jennifer Gilchrist

In addition to being a long-time family friend, Tatiana also guided and instructed our daughter for many years in improving her natural artistic talents. She really does bring out the artist in people! One of the kindest, most nurturing people you’d ever hope to meet, she is an enthusiastic and encouraging instructor. Thank you, Tatiana,…

Amanda Greene

Tatiana is the best art teacher. It is hard to find someone that dedicates so much individual attention to each student to help them develop the skills they are interested in learning. She is incredibly knowledgeable and has helped my daughter to grow so much as an artist. Going to class at Magic of Art…

Marina Pham

Magic of Art Studio changed my life. I was a student there for 10 years and loved every minute of it. Tatiana is the most supportive, talented, and loving art teacher. She was an amazing person to grow up with, and I miss her all the time. Even when I do art now I think…

Elizabeth Kaiser

Tatiana is the best teacher and mentor I could’ve ever asked for. As an adult student with unique interests, I was able to develop my skills beyond anything I could’ve ever imagined. Tatiana is unequivocally kind and intelligent and shows these qualities not only through her teaching methods but also through her art. She shares…

Julie Nilva

My kids love going to art class every week with Ms. Tatiana. She is wonderful in guiding them along as they develop their artist talents. She has amazing patience and her love of art truly shows!

Kristi Wilmoth

I can’t say enough good things about Tatiana! My daughter has been taking classes from her for about 4 years and the growth I’ve seen in her artwork is amazing. When she started with Tatiana, she was just starting to do basic sketches she learned from watching YouTube videos. Since then, she has been accepted…

Nelly B

My daughter attended Tatiana’s classes for a year and showed tremendous results – she navigates through colors better, learned new techniques and became more confident in her art abilities. We absolutely love Tatiana’s studio – it’s a cozy and peaceful place for kids to create their masterpieces. With great sorrow, we are saying goodbye to…


Tatiana is a wonderfully talented artist and teacher. She has given me the ability to formulate and compose my works. She is there to guide and show me correct methods when I encounter something new, and is there to correct me when applying the wrong technique. I’m new to painting and as an adult sometimes…

Julia Lawson

Absolutely love the freedom Ms. Tatiana gives to her pupils! My daughter is ecstatic with her class, so much to the point she’s doubling up and starting to go 2 hours a week!

Bruce L Morgenstern

Tatiana is a Wonderful artist! – I have in my home a portrait of one of my ancestors which she painted, and the feelings and depth she conveys in her work are amazing! But aside from her technical abilities, she is a smart, articulate and deeply sensitive artist who sees and feels the world in…

Cassie Seymour

Ms. Tatiana is AMAZING!! We feel so blessed to have found her. My daughter’s art skills have progressed tremendously since she began classes at the Magic of Art Studio. Highly recommend!!

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